School is starting. Are you ready? Is your child ready? After the first few days of school have passed, memories of the struggles from last year quickly begin to surface. The homework monster is back.
School should not be a struggle for students- yet often it is. As a parent, it is important to note that in most cases, It is not your child, but rather how your child is being taught that needs to be addressed. All students learn differently. Homework is meant to practice what has been taught. This is impossible if your student did not grasp the lesson. The expectation is for homework to be an independent exercise. How often does that happen?
Help is available. We can help you and your child beat the homework monster. They can master the skills needed to tackle the homework independently. We will help break down skills into smaller pieces, helping the student arrive at his/her version of success with confidence as well absolute assimilation. Personalized instruction will help your child master the curriculum as well as learn how to take notes, organize assignments, manage time, and work efficiently.